Letter: Coal port is not worth Utah’s money

Why is the state of Utah still wallowing around trying to get a port in Oakland (which they have made clear they don’t want) to ship coal to China.

I don't know what the figures are now, but in 2016 according to the U.S. Energy Administration there were 50,000 coal-industry employees, 102,500 wind-industry employees and 260,000 solar-industry employees in America. Do we see a pattern here? I would imagine that these numbers are even more telling in 2020.

Coal is a dying industry and a terrible pollutant. Shipping it elsewhere is just as unconscionable as burning it here. Stop beating a dead horse and use the money to support coal miners with new industry and job training in other fields. It would be money well spent. Spending another $3 million trying ship coal to China is not.

Micki Moulton, Taylorsville

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from The Salt Lake Tribune https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/letters/2020/08/24/letter-coal-port-is-not/

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